Laboratory NSD
Photo of the month
We are glad to welcome you on the page of our laboratory – the Laboratory of the Nervous System Development of the Research Institute of Human Morphology, Moscow.

Our Institute is the head pathanatomy research department in Russia, which has been working since 1960s. Our Labaratory was founded in 1985 and in the 1993 it had been headed by the professor Sergey V. Saveliev.

The laboratory scope is the cell differentiation and developmental courses of the nervous (central and peripheral) and endocrine system maturation and functioning in normal ontogenesis, adaptative changes and compensatory reactions, and in pathology and disease. We use wide range of the recent histological, immunohistochemical and electron microscopy techniques and methods in our work, including 3D-imaging, routine and automatic morphometry and statistical analysis.

The unique Collection of the wet material and histological preparations on the nervous system development and evolution are handled and maintains by our department. The human brain collection  is supported by the FENS History of Neuroscience online project.
Project "Immunophenotypic map of the neurogenesis of the human cerebral cortex"  is supported by the Russian Science Foundation (RSF) grant #22-15-00172