Главы в монографиях за 2012
A. S. Kharlamova, A. E. Proshchina, V. I. Gulimova, V. M. Barabanov, O. A. Junemann, and S. V. Saveliev Gecko cerebellum after a long-term spaceflight during “BION-M” No.1 Space Mission. in "Development of the Cerebellum: Clinical and Molecular Perspectives", Nova, NY. 2018. P. 119-146 ISBN: 978-1-53614-317-1
Alexandra E. Proshchina, Yuliya S. Krivova, Olga G. Leonova, Valeriy M. Barabanov, Sergey V. Saveliev. Development of human pancreatic innervation. in "Autonomic Nervous System", ISBN 978-953-51-6284-1. Поддержана грантом РФФИ 18-015-00146.